We're working on increasing the availability and affordability of healthy food and drink options, as well as education around healthy eating habits for our Sport Academy. We are here to offer you information on the latest in medicine, research, nutrition, exercise, and more. We not only will give you the facts, but help you understand them in today’s world where headlines are changing every day.
An advice is to take honey daily [ … honey has been successfully used as a topical wound care product, with pronounced antibacterial, antibiofilm, and anti-inflammatory properties…An important feature of honey is its antibacterial activity. Honeys exhibiting high antibacterial activity are commercially available as medical-grade honeys. The antibacterial activity of manuka and kanuka honeys are mainly mediated by highly reactive methylglyoxal.] particularly if the honey of Ulmo, Manuka or Kanuka. We've made them available on Chris and Aaron's website for a long time. www.chrisandaaron.co.uk.
The Story of an extraordinary journey ... more than an image or a fleeting moment.
Everyone has a story to tell and to be heard.