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Angelica - Promotes digestion. Improves gastric juices secretion. Eliminates intestinal gases. To treat heavy digestions and the lack of appetite. To treat diseases that attack digestive system. Calms stomach cramps, aids in the elimination of gases. Combats reflux Effective against dyspepsia (heavy or slow digestion). Diuretic and expectorant properties. Sedative effect.

Rosemary - It is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Improving digestion, enhancing memory and concentration, neurological protection. POTENTIALLY A POWERFUL ANTIBIOTIC.

Oregano - Oregano and other herbs provide antioxidants. People around the Mediterranean region have used oregano for centuries in herbal medicine to treat many ailments, including: skins sores, aching muscles, asthma, cramping, diarrhoea, indigestion, colds, to boost overall health-fight bacteria, relieve inflammation, regulate blood sugar and lipids, fight cancer.  POTENTIALLY A POWERFUL ANTIBIOTIC.

Fumaria - Beneficial in case of nausea, vomiting, flatulence and hepatobiliary disorders. It helps digestion by being a biliary and pancreatic secretion regulator It can be used as an aperitif for its spasmolytic and decongestant properties. ANTIVIRAL.

Passiflora - it has sedative or tranquillising properties, it has anti-inflammatory effects on the nervous system, may help to lower blood pressure and prevent vascular disease, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, harmful to the body. Contains vitamin A, E, C as well fibre which helps regulate digestion, reduce cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. Relieves digestive problems: to treat gastrointestinal problems, as it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. Combats constipation and promotes healthy intestinal flora.

Ginger - It has the following properties for the digestive system: Fights intestinal bacterial infections.Improves digestion Helps to reduce inflammation of the body, being useful for nausea, vomiting, fluid retention, gastric disorders.


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