...a sacred red thread serving as a symbol of protection, connection and well-being.

There is only one mention of Armageddon in the Bible, in Revelation 16:16. The verse is: “And He gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ‘Armageddon.’ ”

And it’s said to be the battle at Armageddon where Christ and his saints will take on the Antichrist and an army of 200 million men. It’s at that point a period of 1,000 years of peace will begin. Apokalypsis is a Greek word that means “something uncovered.” “Apocalypse” actually refers to the uncovering of a vision for the future, such as in the Book of Revelation and the Revelation of John. Most beliefs about the apocalypse are pieced together from different texts throughout the Bible, meaning that the apocalypse is actually presenting guidelines for interpreting a series of events in the world around us. In religious terms, that includes events like the Rapture, the great Tribulation, and, finally, the battle of Armageddon.

The time's come, we just want to give an advice to people who want to 'listen'.


Food and water
Long shelf-life food and water to stockpile for the emergency. (honey, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts)

Bath and home

Bath and home
Stock up on bathroom and household cleaning products.


Stock up on candles for any blackout.


Keep in mind that credit cards and debit cards can't run with no power.


Stock up on medicine.

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The art of Spirituality focused on breathing, finding inner stillness and rebalancing yourself internally. Everyone takes his own approach.


Mobile phone
Remember that in case of a blackout even mobile phones would not be able to work. The preparation of a plan with timetable and meeting points might be useful for an exchange of words. After all, 40 years that was the way it should have been. Remember that even mobile phone clock disappears.

First Aid

First aid
BTA established a first aid point with para-medical staff in every club.

Point comfort

Refreshing space
BTA established a food stop in every club.

Some more advices:

  1. spare parts for bicycles - inner tubes, tyres, brake cable, chain, pedals. If there were no fuel.
  2. batteries for bicycle lights and for any other tools such as a table or wall clock.
  3. matches for candles or  refills for lighters.
  4. print all critical documents on paper.
  5. we recommend having Calendula cream, Fumaria in mother tincture at home.