High fever and sore skin - Calendula cream and ointment based on Artemisia Annua (also as herbal tea) is recommended for illness accompanied by high fever and sore skin.
Nettle - It is known as an antioxidant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic, antimicrobial, liver protector. It is also used in cases of eczema, anemia, nosebleeds and menstrual haemorrhage, nephritis, hematuria, diarrhoea, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, kidney stones. Favour digestion and blood circulation. Contraindications: Skin lesions when the plant comes in contact with the skin. Diabetics may have their blood sugar levels affected if taken in large doses; be alert to avoid hypoglycemia. It may affect blood pressure and it may interfere with medication used to control hypertension. It’s contraindicated in case of renal failure, nephritis, and inflammation of the kidneys or during pregnancy.
Calendula - Calendula extract possesses several potent antioxidants, including triterpenes, flavonoids, polyphenols, and carotenoids. May promote wound and skin ulcer healing. May combat certain cancer cells. May have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. May support oral health. May improve skin health. May boost heart health. May relieve muscle fatigue.
Fumaria - used in the treatment of eczema, rashes, urticaria, pimples and herpes. Antimicrobial. External applications are used to clean and disinfect the skin. Traditionally used as a laxative and diuretic, hepatobiliar disorders and for colic pain. ANTIVIRAL.
Manuka Oil (vs Tea Tree Oil) - often get mistaken for being similar, but they are in fact very different. Tea Tree Oil is a household name for many people. Differences between manuka oil and tea tree oil. Manuka oil (Leptospermum scoparium) is rich in triketones, flavonoids and other compounds which give it strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. Tea Tree Oil also has these properties but at a lesser strength. It is also high in monoterpenes, which gives Tea Tree Oil its strong odour. Manuka oil has less of an odour being high in sesquiterpenes which are less volatile. Key health distinctions between both oils. When tested by the Cawthron Institute of Nelson and the Microbiology Department of Otago University, manuka oil was found to be significantly more effective against negative bacteria and viruses and strains of fungi.
Pineapple - the Many Health Benefits of Pineapple: provides plenty of nutrients. Pineapple is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals (Vitamin C, manganese, fiber, B Vitamins). Promotes tissue healing. Fights inflammation. Aids digestion. Relieves arthritis pain. May help with weight loss. Helps with post-workout recovery. Prevents cancer, treats cold and cough, strengthen bones, reduces risk of blood clots, contain antioxidants, reduce symptoms of arthritis, benefits for skin, stress buster.
Artemisia Annua - Significant soothing effect when applied to skin. It exhibits antioxidant properties, being a source of flavonoids and polyphenols. Artemisia extract's shore up skin's barrier and help prevent epidermal water loss. Used in the treatment of eczema, rashes, urticaria, pimples and herpes. Antimicrobial. External applications are used to clean and disinfect the skin. Traditionally used as a laxative and diuretic, hepatobiliar disorders and for colic pain. ANTIVIRAL.
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