Tales from the heart. A diary from the heart.


explores a selection of thoughts excerpts from our memory book, stories that lie behind our Basket. I hope that it will take you on a pleasant voyage filled with endless sources of inspiration, from player, man, artist, and actor, and that you will appreciate it as much as me, because it is in the hands that head and heart find the realization of their dreams. Travel is an infinite sum of memories. The best landscapes are the one etched in the memory. Travel is about meeting people. Even if you don't share a common language, a smile, and body gesture will always help you to create a bond. These are the kinds of memories that will last forever. Take the time to observe your surrounding and try to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. with love Claudio


History is not just something from the past. It’s in all of us. We are human, we are different, but there are a lot of similarities. And it’s interesting to see the things we share. The common ground. Gazing beyond the visible, we can catch a glimpse of this perfect web where every creature is connected to the other. Nourishing our creativity to face tomorrow’s challenges. Our message is to be seen as an invitation to finding one’s balance, to not cross the line, to not overdo things and to give our guys a chance to be just that, allowing them to develop their own imagination and to express themselves. Learning to dig deep and to know oneself will be a positive and useful tool to face the world of tomorrow. Guys are not the people of tomorrow, but people today. They are entitled to be taken seriously. They have right to be treated by adults with respect, as equals, not as master and objects of the ego. They should be allowed to grow into whoever they went meant to be. The unknown person inside each of them is the hope for the future. It's this stillness and this moment of reflection that inspires us.  BTA pieces together tiny fragments of images, of a lived moment, to create something new in a historical moment that allows us to do little. After all, every photo is visual communication, it represents and keeps a detail of life, it creates memories which otherwise would become weaker as they are repeated and as time moves on. (They repeat themselves but they are never the same). So it's just about piecing all of those instants, of those smiles, to recreate the moment. We'd like telling stories that can’t be found in history books. We believe that telling the story of places is important not only for the places but for people to feel a sense of pride, an attachment and belonging to … a lot can happen in over 40 years. Although we might count time in minutes, days and years, we measure their value in Moments. Here are some of our favourites:

Walter Ferraioli


We met in Summer 2021, he lived in a complicated world. A couple of months after August we found ourselves spending hours on that cold bench discussing various topics including spirituality, soul and everything that should be normal in mental Game.

'I can only express my gratitude for what Walter has become ... ' ... Entered the seminary October 2023

I can only thank you

Mamma Sabrina 

Walter Ferraioli


... '... you take care of people at all levels, not just the playing field, and this is what makes you a reference figure who worries and takes care of us ... guys who have been left to themselves and a superficial existence that does not belong to us.' ... 

Feel loved

Walter Ferraioli

Riccardo Sironi


... 'The last thing I would have thought about my life is to find a true world in sports. A sport that had always been presented to me as a pastime that would never lead me anywhere. Thanks to you and to BTA I have come to understand what it means to play sports, and that is to grow in sport, in mind and spirit. I appreciate all that you have done and are still doing for me.'

Claudio you are a 'life-style'

Riccardo Sironi

Ryan Lewis


... 'BTA World is a combination of 'colors, smells and tastes'. One of the other magical things you can see in this world, this great blank canvas, is that you participate with your very being in what you’re about to learn. I think that society needs a great deal of time to reflect, to recognize the quality of our life, our spirituality, and to 'breathe' nature in all its beauty. BTA, for extracting the essence, the essential sense, or the most important aspects of the Game.' ...

Thanks for all

Ryan Lewis

Thomas Onyehara


Because of social media, of youtube, there’s just no mystique about anyone any-more. We only can get what they choose to give us, it’s not like we can seek things out. BTA ... searching for deeply woven tales rather than transient moments.

Thanks BTA

Thomas Onyehara

Meriem Nasraoui


... '... and thanks to you because without you this court would be meaningless. Finding people who teach you a passion or help you feel better, without expecting anything in return, is a fortune.' ...

Goodnight coach

Meriem Nasraoui

Gabriele Sironi


... 'and the way I want to do that is to experience this world called BTA, where I realized that I can learn to give what I have received ...'


Gabriele Sironi


Stefan Jensen


Everything in BTA has always been about Passion. 'It's a place for Basketball Players and guys who are excited by basketball. And anyone that doesn't like Basketball is not welcome.' This is the first sentence I heard in BTA. Anyone who works in a creative field will recognise that moment when a desire for control and order begins to restrict the very thing it was brought in to promote, to live, to experience. That’s when you lose your soul. Culture always has to triumph over corporate process if you are to have any hope of retaining an independently creative mind-set. I worry sometimes we’ve all become monotonous humans because, back in the day, I’d go to my friend’s house and see his LP collection or CD collection. I’d see his books and I’d start to get it get a sense of the person. Whereas now, everything’s just IKEA furniture & iphones in people’s houses. What I didn’t really understand at first was that culture does come from the top. And I know that’s a cheesy phrase that you hear, but I’ve really learned it because I’m really into Basketball and doing things the right way. Soul is that indefinable thing that you never seem to find on the ground or a planning document and yet it’s something that BTA is passionate about. Why shouldn’t Basketball have a little bit of soul incorporated into it ... always? BTA is a keen supporter of soul grown talent. BTA is actually a very talented Club of storytellers, whether it be through the court and its philosophy, the Basket and its technique, the complexity and Soul of its Coaches and Athletes. The best way to describe BTA is: you help guys make sense of sport, of life. That's it. It's a simple as that. Or, to be more accurate, like Basketball itself, it's as simple or as complicated as you want to make or to live it.

with love

Stefan Jensen

James Davis - BTA


BTA World, I will never forget where my Story has begun. BTA embodies the Art of Basketball and through it, all the emotional moments that it intends to cultivate: those that we savour, that we wait, that we will remember. BTA looks after the Art of moments adding a touch of pace to every workout. For all these moments where Stories are lived and human values are transmitted ... thanks for celebrating the moments that make life more beautiful through a sport made emotion. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

with love

James Davis


Kevin Patterson & Adrien Roger - BTA


I don't think that every soul is supposed to be in one place. I do think, in a way ... it's a place ... it's also a feeling ... it is both! I want to experience new things. I want to feel exhilarated. If you meet the right community you can feel home everywhere ... it doesn't matter where. I think when curiosity outweighs comfort ... that's when you really find something special. BTA the word used to describe that familiar feeling of where your heart feels at home. From the sensation of your toes in warm sand to the relaxing sound of silence of your favorite hiking trail. A place, a smell or some detail in everyday life, it’s a concept with no singular meaning. BTA is a universal feeling for all. BTA World is a walk along a path that varies according to the depth of the Soul.

with love

Kevin Patterson & Adrien Roger

Alexander Dawson


Only recently have we have acknowledged the importance of reminders of our failings as much as we remember our successes. That’s what this moment requires, not merely change, but a completely new way of thinking. Now is also the time of changing what you value and what you believe deserves remembrance. I will never forget where my Story has begun. My Life in a place of pure thought and friendship, a place of meetings and sharing our binding passion, a place for growth. Here I learned basketball fundamentals, but here I learned, above all, to be a man. I was playing for myself, to have fun, to grow and was not at all concerned with what would happen, not just yet. One day my career blossomed. The dream had been to become a good player. I didn't dare dream beyond that, so every moment since then has been thrilling in one way or another. Along the way I learned that the more you succeed as a player, the less time you have to actually play, or speak, or simply ... for your Friends. I learned there is the business of playing basketball and Playing Basketball itself and they are two very different things. Playing basketball is an act of creation, of passion, of Friendship, and the business of playing basketball is doing everything in your power to ensure that you will have the opportunity to play again. What I crave more than anything is the luxury of those times when I start to Play Basketball. 

Thanks for all BTA.

Alexander Dawson

Simone Brioschi


… “I think that everyone, throughout his entire existence, meets lots of people and from these they try to take the best to improve themselves... as you always say, basketball doesn't have a single purpose. It should prepare you for real life, school, get ready for work, and so on, and whatever the future holds for me, I wanted to thank you because some points of view, experiences, friendships and choices that I live, or I make today are also due to that little of basketball that I was able to 'worm out' from you.” … 


Simone Brioschi

Gregorio Braga


"I am very pleased that Gregory can learn lots of things from you at a very high level even beyond the sport because the passion and care you put into when you work with the guys is extraordinary and is not limited to the athletic movement attention but to the person as a whole ..." ... [Mamma Enrica]

I love you so much

[I believe this message means everything, everything you mean to someone. Thanks Greg]

Gregorio Braga 


Franci - Francesco Barreca


"In Italian basketball world you are unique, it took me a while, but I figured it out. Thank you for what he learned from you." ... [Papà Antonio]

Thanks a lot

Francesco Barreca

Simone Mastore


"All true! At the same time, one come up against a different, ancient, archaic vision of life, a vision according to which to grow and evolve is wrong. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet your world before because if it is true that one is born with certain visions, it is also true that certain visions may be acquired after having known them."

Thanks for all

Simone Mastore


Lorenzo Maspero - Lollo


Is it right or wrong? Is he a coach or a ball boy? Is it a concept or a rule? Is he a fool or an idiot? Is he naked or dressed? Is he Italian or American? Is he black or white? Is he sweet or salty? Is he feet or space? Is he alien or human? The first time I saw this man I unconsciously had to ask myself and formulated many of the questions listed above ... eh I'm not kidding ... For the past seven years I spent almost every summer day with this man together with other guys all ages and every day, lived with him, is magical. Not only because he teaches us to be creative and to fully express our technical, physical and mental potentials within a basketball court, but on the top of that, he teaches us the importance of human values, every day. Those fucking human values to which sometimes we don't give importance because we think we chew them with confidence, but, in reality, we don't even know where to start. The abundance, the Passion and the Freedom that he shares daily are truly impressive. Even more, his way of meditating, acting, seeing things and thinking of the next before himself. YOU ARE UNIQUE. [July 2019]

You are an inspiration Claudio

Lorenzo Maspero


Niklas Karjalainen


"Thinking outside the box and experimenting new techniques making the Game simple but very effective. Thanks BTA."

with love

Niklas Karjalainen


Jelani Poston


"Would love to train under you. Please let me know if it's possible to train under you if so let me know the details." ...


Jelani Poston


Paolo Viganò


"A world to share experiences and ideas with, on and off the court."

with love

Paolo Viganò


Roberto Rapelli


"BTA, Claudio the one who's always there for me" ...

a special shout-out

Roberto Rapelli


Filippo Attolini


"A place where I can really be myself."


Filippo Attolini


Edoardo Pozzi


... "... anyway, when he gets out of these workouts he never smiles, he only smiles when he comes to you." ... [Papà Luca]

Thanks for your time

Edoardo Pozzi


Sergio Fiorini


I shrouded between falsehood and hypocrisy (the pages of a newspaper) a story of extraordinary courage and honesty, which are totally lacking in my generation. But Dr. Ambrosoli's courage cannot be bought in the boutique as the elders said. We simply need to appreciate it in other people, including yours.

Thanks Claudio

Sergio Fiorini


Timothy Nath


... "... and it was here that I realized there existed a place where people engaged with the world of ideas that I too desired to be a part of." ...

Thanks for your time

Timothy Nath


Ryan Wright


"Some call me a dreamer, yet marvel at all I achieve."


Ryan Wright


Tyler Scott


It’s from the champions of the impossible, rather than from the slaves of the possible, that evolution draws its creative force." [Barbara Wootton]
I’ve always tended to avoid the literal interpretation of something. Not taking things too literally. Using, learning, creating a new Basketball move is like opening another door or window in your mind, because the moment you use something new, you find yourself doing something new. You find yourself just bending and moving and accessing new ideas, to create something on my own allows me to feel free and to understand an emotion or an experience, and it means an awful lot to me, without it I would be lost. The atmosphere changes ... lost till I found you. Most people don’t really think about the future, or when they do they think of it as a sequence of inevitabilities. You, however, ensure and enable everyone to think of the future as a participative and open canvas. And even today, playing basketball is what makes me feel the most connected to myself, to life.


Tyler Scott


Daniel Sivan - Maccabi


"Yeah, the emotions are in the details. Thanks for showing them to me."

with love

Daniel Sivan


Dan Ryenolds


"BTA World, an interaction between techniques and creativity where details  make a difference on the court." ...

with love

Dan Reynolds