Focus on high carb, moderate protein and low fat, low fibre pre-workout or Game foods. The best kinds of pre-workout foods are filled with protein, good carbs and healthy fats. These ingredients help you stock up on energy, and keep you full for a long time. Benefits of pre workout, of Game, protein (in moderation) consumption: help you maintain or even increase your muscle size, which is key if you want to improve health, body composition, or performance. Reduces markers of muscle damage (myoglobin, creatine kinase, and myofibrillar protein degradation). The less damage to your muscles, the faster you recover, and the better you adapt to your exercise over the long term. Floods your bloodstream with amino acids that boost your muscle-building capabilities. Benefits of pre workout, or Game, Carbs consumption: Provides fuel for your training and helps with recovery. Improves high intensity performance. Preserves muscle and liver glycogen, which signals to your brain that you are well nourished and helps increase muscle retention and growth. Stimulates the release of insulin, which helps you manage your blood sugar levels. The key is to have a mixed bag of complex and simple carbohydrates so that energy is released in a slow and steady manner during your workout. Benefits of pre workout, or Game, Fat consumption: helps to slow digestion, which maintains blood glucose and insulin levels and keeps you on an even keel. Provides some vitamins and minerals that are important in all diets.
It’s important to remember that your calorie and nutrient needs change depending on the intensity of training or Game. Your performance plate may look different in-season versus off-season, or on hard training days versus light training days.
Pre workout or Game:
It's crucial to have balanced meal 2-3 hours before training or Game, to ensure you're properly fuelled. If not, snack, 30-60 minutes before the game. Building a balanced meal: 1-Carbs, your primary fuel source. 2-Protein: the building blocks of your body. 3-Hydrate: drink early, drink often and always carry a water bottle. 4-Fats: use healthy fats in moderation.
Pre workout or competition plate:
Snacks: (major snacks are highlighted in bold)
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