Keep fit in the comfort of your own spaces.

Power-band exercises, most handly and versatile pieces of equipment for your home workout.

WALK - Thighs and hips - fig. 1

Place the power band around your thighs and perform a half-squat. (If you’ve performed several lateral lunges, you can lower yourself even further.) Step with your right foot to the right, pushing against the resistance band, and slowly bring your left foot toward it. Switch sides and step to the left, first with the left foot, with the right foot following. [perform 10 to 30 reps.]

PLANK TOE TAP - Hips and glutes - fig. 2

The plank is loved for a reason: It works your entire core and you can do it anywhere. This version adds targeted work around your hips, to help create toned glutes. Loop the band around your ankles and then get into a plank. Be sure your wrists are directly beneath your shoulder and pull your abs tight toward your spine. Next, while keeping your body stable, raise your right foot just slightly off the floor and tap your toes a three to six inches to the right. Return to the start position and repeat with your left foot. [continue alternating sides for 10 to 20 reps.]

DEADLIFT to CURL - Strengthen your hamstrings, glutes and lower back  - fig. 3 e 4

Stand on the power band with both feet, knees slightly bent, about hip-distance apart. Grab one end of the band with each hand, palms facing each other. Keeping the slight bend in your knees, hinge from your hips while pushing your glutes back and lower your arms and torso toward the floor. Pause when your body becomes parallel to the floor. Next, squeeze your hamstrings and glutes while pushing your hips forward, and lift yourself back up to the start position. Once there, perform a curl by bending your elbows and pulling the band up toward your biceps. Release your arms and start another deadlift. [Perform 8 to 10 reps.]

WALK - Fig 1
PLANK TOE TAP - fig. 2
DEADLIFT - fig. 3
DEADLIFT - fig. 3


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