There are a lot of things in your wellness routine that are super critical. Drinking a lot of water, for starters. Taking time to work on your mobility, stretches included. And of course: Your core. The core is a group of muscles that help us resist motions that might put us in danger. The stronger and more stable your core is, the safer your low back, shoulders, and hips will feel.
Renegade Row with a Push-Up
Start in a high plank position with your hands on two dumbbells, shoulders over wrists. Lower down into a push-up, keeping elbows close to the body. Press back to start. Then, engaging your core, row the right hand up toward the torso with control. Slowly lower the hand back to the ground; repeat with the left hand. Return to start for one rep. Reps: 10
Side Plank with Hip Abduction
Lie down and roll to your right side. Stack your right elbow under your right shoulder and stack your heels, hips, shoulders in one straight line and press your grounded elbow into the ground to lift your hips up. On the inhale, lift your left leg up four inches, hold for 30 seconds. Lower back to start. Repeat on opposite side. Reps: 10
Overhead lunge
Start standing with your feet together, dumbbells or kettlebells racked at shoulder height, palms facing in. Engage the core, press dumbbells overhead. Take a large step forward with your right foot, bending both knees to 90 degrees as you descend forward, and keeping the weights above your head. Keeping your balance, press through the right heel to return to start. Repeat on the left side. Reps: 14
Bear plank con shoulder tap
Iniziare Start in a tabletop position. Engage your core and lift your knees to hover one inch above the ground. Keeping your hips level, tap your right hand to your left shoulder. Slowly lower back to start. Repeat on the opposite side for one rep. Continue, alternating sides. Reps:14 alternating
Kettlebell Swing
With the kettlebell (or dumbbells) on the floor in front of you and legs in a wide stance, grab the bell by the handle with both hands. Hinge at the hips, bringing the kettlebell back and between your legs. Keeping your core engaged, forcefully propel the kettlebell forward by thrusting your hips forward and contracting your glutes. The kettlebell should swing to chest height before you let gravity take over, bringing it back between your legs for one rep. Proceed onto the next rep in one continuous motion. Reps: 10
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The information posted here by is not to be considered medical advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We may answer and post medical questions solely on our own discretion. We do not have the resources or the capability to answer all visitor questions. In general, the questions we choose to answer are (in our opinion) of value to other 'readers'. The answers to these questions should in no way be considered specific medical advice or a plan for disease management. Our goal is to provide sufficient information so that family, guys, or other visitors are able to become knowledgeable participants in their disease management plan. The primary responsibility of your disease management plan is with your treating physicians and you should only follow your treating physicians advice. DO NOT change/modify your disease management plan on your own without consulting your treating physicians.
The health benefits of stretching in the morning.