Making the invisible visible

Basketball Training Academy - UK USA IT
Authors: Claudio Ciceri, James Davis, Adrien Roger, Kevin Patterson
L'eleganza di un pensiero alla ricerca dello straordinario
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  • Description

Play smarter.

To go beyond an ordinary life.

Play smarter – Making the invisible visible. Intuitive, intelligent, individual. The purpose of this booklet is to make the invisible visible and to interpret the basketball court in a more aggressive and dynamic way. We want to explore that space where the distinction between player and champion becomes very blurred.

Five elegant binders, as elegant is the approach to basketball for us.

1. base: in acciaio inox satinato spessore 2mm con panno sotto antiscivolo e graffio in feltro nero
2. anello: apribile spessore 1mm
3. colore pagine: cartoncino nero 550g/m2 - misura 22 x 24
4. copertina: in pelle color senape
5. argomenti: 1  Il campo - 2 - Lo spazio - 3 La difesa - 4 L' attacco - 5 L'approccio mentale - 6 La visione oculo celebrale - 7 Coordinazione - 8 Warm Up - 9 ...

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